Contacts - Arriva Italia - Cremona
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Arriva Italia

Cremona headquarters

Via Postumia n. 102,
26100 – Cremona

Ticket office

Piazza delle Tranvie
26100 – Cremona

From Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 14.15 and from 15.30 to 17.15; Saturday: from 7.30 to 12.30.

Contact us

If you desire, you can upload an attachment

You may interested in:


Lost an item on a bus?
Fill in the form below!


Want to make a claim? Fill in the form below!


Traveller with reduced mobility?
Fill in the form below!

Frequently asked questions:

On average we respond within 2 working days. Times may vary depending on the type of request.

Our site is optimized for Google Chrome from PC. If you have filled out the form on your mobile or used another browser, please try again from a desktop or laptop computer using Google Chrome.

If the problem persists, you can contact the Contact Center operators for assistance in order to complete the submission of the request.

No, you should use the Lost Item form; you’ll find it in this page as well as in the menu

Privacy consent is mandatory for us to proceed with your request. For more info: